15 years of crafting meaningful experiences for people.
Currently, helping immigrants in the UK to build their credit score at Pillar.

My design routine in a gif: investigating, prototyping, testing, presenting and make all again, and again...

More facts about me:
As a product designer, I am fine with walking around all the product design phases, from discovery to iterating through tests, but my biggest passion lies in visual, user interface design, and Design Systems.
I can build cool things using HTML, CSS, but I am not a developer.
I was born and raised in Belém, a fantastic city nestled in the heart of the Brazilian Amazon.
My father was a great cartoonist in Brazil and that's how he paid the bills. If it weren't for him introducing me to some Asterix comics when I was a kid, you might be scrolling through another designer's portfolio right now.
This portfolio gets together some works made from 2014 to now.  If you want to know more about me, just check my resume out, or getting in touch. Thanks!
I was featured on:

•   UIXShow
•   Design2021.com (no longer live)
See more of my work on:

•   Dribbble
•   Behance